The Corner


Today in Capital Matters: School Funding with School Choice

Christian Barnard of Reason Foundation writes about the need to change the way schools are funded to complement increasing school choice:

Arizona legislators can set an example for those states and others by fixing their funding system so that it no longer treats students unequally. Doing so would entail adopting a single education-funding formula for all students, regardless of the school they attend, and allowing money to move seamlessly with students to their schools. Specifically, state policymakers should move away from relying on local taxes for school bonds and operations and look to have state revenues take greater responsibility for school funding. Transportation funding also should be made more flexible and untethered from outdated yellow school-bus routes.

With school-choice laws booming, soon it won’t just be Arizona with tens of thousands of families zigzagging school-district boundaries to get their children into the schools that fit them best. As states embrace school choice and student populations become increasingly mobile, they should also adopt equally mobile and flexible school-finance systems.

Read the whole thing here.

Dominic Pino is the Thomas L. Rhodes Fellow at National Review Institute.
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