The Corner

‘The Tired Party’

I wrote my Politico column about the election and how played-out the Obama Democrats–and the Hillary Democrats–look after Tuesday:

As in 2010, the Republicans have gotten another jolt of new talent. Looking ahead to the 2016 presidential race, they are brimming with young, relatively new faces in national politics. Five reformist governors could run (Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, John Kasich, Mike Pence, Scott Walker) and three freshman senators (Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio).

Whereas the Democrats look for all the world like they are preparing to nominate by universal acclamation a 67-year old grandmother who has been a major fixture in national politics for more than 30 years.

Age is not everything, and Ronald Reagan projected a youthful vigor and optimism despite his years. But if the Democrats are all in on Hillary Clinton, they are betting that a restive public is really yearning for an old, familiar fixture who prominently served in the Obama administration.

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