The Corner

Time This Week

The fallout from Summers affair keeps growing. The latest cover of Time features an Amanda Ripley story called, “The Math Myth.” Title aside, the story does not debunk Summers. Instead it draws on the middle ground position outlined in Leonard Sax’s new book, Why Gender Matters. I blogged about Sax the other day. He claims that male and female brains do differ, and advocates single sex education designed to overcome each sex’s characteristic weaknesses. Whether or not Sax is right, it’s remarkable that his perspective is shaping a Time cover story. Sax is politically incorrect. Although he argues that brain based differences can be overcome, Sax gives the whole idea of biological differences between the sexes legitimacy. Put that together with his advocacy of single sex education and you have a feminist nightmare. Campus feminists may have levered the Summers affair into yet more affirmative action. But in the culture at large, the Summers controversy has opened up a broader discussion that can only make feminists look bad.

Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
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