The Corner

Three’s a crowd

Re NY-23, a reader writes:

As much as I agree with you and totally disagree with Newt, the real problem is that we have a two-party system.  Most of the time, a third party candidate only takes votes away from one of the “real” candidates.  That’s just how it is.

Don’t be so sure:

According to the latest Siena Poll, Democrat Bill Owens (33% of likely voters) now leads the three-way race, with RINO Dede Scozzafava (29% — down from 35%) fading, and Hoffman (23%, up 7 points in two weeks) coming on, even leading in some parts of the district.

That’s uphill but do-able.* And those numbers were run before Ms Scozzafava made her unwarranted and fraudulent nuisance call to the Lowville Police.

The problem with NY-23 is that we don’t have a two-party system. The GOP leadership decided to join the Democrats in offering voters a one-party system of Dem and Demmer. Nuts to that.

[*UPDATE: “Sources on both sides of the partisan aisle suggest that internal polling shows Scozzafava in third place now.”]

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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