The Corner


Three Sentences about Kyle Rittenhouse

Some of you may remember Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who shot three rioters in self-defense during the George Floyd riots, was acquitted, and has since gone on to a career as a gun-rights activist after his initial blush of weird internet right-wing celebrity died down. He announced today that he would write in Ron Paul as his presidential choice in November, and the most predictable corners of the internet are now ablaze: Donald Trump has denounced him by name on TruthSocial, MAGA Twitter is aflame with cries of betrayal, and people are making the meanest sorts of jokes. My reaction is simple:  If you care in any way about how Kyle Rittenhouse votes, I advise you to spend the weekend reflecting quietly on whatever mistakes in your life brought you to this point.

Jeffrey Blehar is a National Review staff writer living in Chicago. He is also the co-host of National Review’s Political Beats podcast, which explores the great music of the modern era with guests from the political world happy to find something non-political to talk about.
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