The Corner

They’re All About New Media

Yesterday, for what it’s worth, Mitt Romney won a Republican blogger poll. Not exactly shocking when you consider some of his big interviews of late have been with me pre-Christmas, Robert Bluey at HumanEvents post-Christmas, and Mrs. & Mrs. InstaPundit when he wanted to hit back at a painful YouTube (what YouTube? Either Romney or Jack Bauer almost made you forget). He’s given time to Hugh Hewitt , a radio guy and blog kingmaker, for a book. He’s a regular Laura/Sean/Fox/etc. guy.

Still, to call Romney the new media star might be premature. McCain & co. aren’t exactly ignoring new media (even if it will likely be quite a long time before he’s on the line with Rush). John McCain randomly appeared on Powerline recently when he wanted to be heard off The Today Show (and really, you’re not going to win without taking some Lauer-Vieira airtime, too). And where did Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (potential running mate?) go to break his going-official news yesterday? Bill Bennett’s radio show.

Not only is their a race for the Republican nomination going on, but a race before that for new media fav.

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