The Corner

These Are the Times

I was thinking about this point Jonah makes while I was moderating a panel on the cruise Friday on the Bush administration. We had all kinds on the panel — those who condemn Bush as a socialist, among other things, to those who worked for the man and will defend him on plenty of merits. NRO reflects this range as well (the panel was composed of people who have or regularly write for us).

That said, this election was not the Right’s best moment and we have a lot of work to do — much of it will happen right here — on The Corner, on NRO proper, and, of course, in the print magazine; don’t miss an essential contribution to the renewal of the conservative movement that is the current issue.

I’m looking forward to the National Review Institute’s conference on Wednesday in D.C., and NRO will report back on some of the proceedings for those who can’t make it.

As Rich told the Times, these are exciting times — an opportunity to go back to basic principles, to educate, to participate, to fight — though extremely challenging.


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