The Corner

There They Go Again

The Journal runs another ad today for illegal immigration, this time in the form of a front-page story featuring farmers claiming that U.S. agriculture “could not exist without a foreign work force.” Illegal immigration is simply another form of corporate welfare for agribusiness, and like all those feeding at the trough of government goodies, these lobbyists are not above trotting out the same lies decade after decade. A case in point: “the use of Braceros [Mexican farmworkers] is absolutely essential to the survival of the tomato industry.” This wasn’t from today’s Journal story; it’s from testimony before the California Senate in 1961. Congress ended the guestworker program that existed at the time anyway, and since illegal immigration didn’t pick up the slack right away, the tomato farmers accelerated the mechanization of the harvest, leading to a quadrupling of the production of tomatoes for processing between 1960 to 1990 and a fall in the real price of tomato products.

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