The Corner

The Triumphant Vision of Kamala Harris & The Party

Democratic presidential candidate and Vice President Kamala Harris attends a campaign event at UNLV campus, in Las Vegas, Nev., August 10, 2024. (Kevin Mohatt/Reuters)

We are at the threshold of a glorious new beginning. The workers will be the authors of their own liberation. Harris and The Party will guide us there.

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No longer shall the nation and its workers languish in the aimless rhythm of economic and social stagnancy. The Party and its leaders — Kamala Harris, first among equals — have composed the mightiest of historical melodies to which Americans will march toward the brightest of all possible futures.

Harris and The Party are committed to the fulfillment of the great “four-year plan” to finally resolve the housing question, which, while unanswered, has compressed the landless masses and thwarted the realization of their collective potential. If “the first premise of all human existence” is that “man must be in a position to live” in order to “make history,” the foremost task of the state is to develop and rehabilitate the land for productive applications.

Harris will thus invest national assets in a program that will create no fewer than 3 million new housing units. But the incentives for corporate investors to “drive up prices and pad their bottom lines” at the expense of the proletariat will be stripped from their soft hands. The culture of rapacious enterprise that allowed conglomerates to build with imagined efficiency will be replaced with a civilization that privileges the needs of the unlanded masses.

With the problem of housing supply soon to be resolved, Harris and The Party will not overlook the problem of demand. Therefore, the state shall provide “a $25,000 subsidy for first-time homebuyers” even before the supply issue is settled so even more Americans can experience the equitable distribution of resources. In addition, no less than $40 billion will be allotted to the “innovation fund,” which local bureaucrats will commit to bureaucratized studies designed to identify “local solutions to build housing.” But “with one condition,” the Harris campaign’s central committee explained, “they must show they will deliver results.” Having ordered results, we can expect results as surely as we anticipate dawn to follow dusk.

The “four-year plan” will not achieve fulfillment if it is to rely on the beneficence of “major landlords,” who enjoy no higher purpose in life than “to unfairly rip off renters.” Consequently, The Party and its leader will “stop Wall Street investors from buying up and marking up homes in bulk.” The tempo of construction cannot come at the cost of increasing pressure on the working class and increasing the strain upon our material resources. Harris has proposed the “Stop Predatory Investing Act” to curb the avarice of builders who provide capital for construction projects not for the benefit of human dignity but only to line their own pockets. Likewise, the “Preventing the Algorithmic Facilitation of Rental Housing Cartels Act” will tie the hands of the financiers who bow and scrape before the tyranny of market signals. Prices will be made to bend to the collective will of the American worker.

But that great labor does not begin and end with housing. All commodities must be safeguarded against the malign influence of the covetous industrialists. The Party and Harris’s plan to impose a “ban on price gouging” empowers the people — as represented by the highest form their communal determination can take, the Federal Trade Commission — shall set and cap prices based on the perfect economic knowledge available only to the collaborative.

The cost of life-saving medications will be capped with no impact on their availability or quality. Deserving workers will enjoy relief from their obligations to the state to help them finally “afford health insurance on the Affordable Care Act” — the culmination of the Great Engineer Barack Obama’s unrealized desire. Most importantly, “big food corporations” and “big grocery chains,” which “have seen production costs level off” but have “nevertheless kept prices high and have seen their highest profits in two decades,” will be put in their place. Penalties will be imposed on food producers who “unfairly exploit consumers to run up excessive profits.” This process will beget more food at fairer prices, as it has so often throughout history.

Harris and The Party are not merely promulgating empty slogans that correspond to the demands of the productive classes. They are erecting a durable edifice to stand the test of time — liberating the conscientious labor of an integral society in which the most audacious dreams of mankind will be made manifest. Still, the full flowering of the human experience will not be achieved by relying on the goodwill of the plutocrats and money lenders. “The progressive amelioration of the material situation” of the working majority of Americans is paramount. The workers will be the authors of their own liberation.

Wreckers and deviationists alike — their goals and methods aligned — will weep as they suffer the very anguish they have sown. We are at the threshold of a glorious new beginning, friends. Harris and The Party will see to it.

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