The Corner


The Service Academies Are Falling to Leftist ‘Education’

Graduates toss their caps in the air at the conclusion of the commissioning and graduation ceremony at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., May 25, 2018. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

The statists intend to dominate every educational institution they can so as to spread their beliefs that America must have a radical transformation. We now find their ideology showing up not only in the expected places like sociology departments, but in places you might have thought to be impervious, such as engineering.

And as J. A. Cauthen explains in today’s Martin Center article, even the military academies are succumbing to it. The curricula are now being refocused so as to make sure that our future officers are suffused with leftist grievances.

He writes:

If “grievance studies” lack academic rigor, and if some of their practitioners have been unmasked as charlatans rather than serious scholars, why have the nation’s military academies so enthusiastically embraced their arguments and conclusions? The overall politicization of the military, an historically conservative and apolitical institution, is one potential explanation. As a recent Heritage Foundation report on military readiness asserts, civilian and military leaders are advancing “divisive progressive social justice ideologies” across the individual services, largely by viewing “all matters through the lens of DEI.”

Precisely. Everything must be viewed from the perspective of diversity zealots. Nothing else is allowed. The academies are being repurposed to turn out officers whose thinking reflects the anti-American collectivism of the Left. The Naval Academy, for instance, offers a course on “gender studies.” That’s not going to help keep the ship afloat.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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