The Corner

Law & the Courts

The Scott Gerber Case — Is Mediation Possible?

(Edafoto/Getty Images)

The academic left is full of people who relish the use of power to punish professors — even tenured ones with sterling careers — who dare to disagree with their beliefs about “diversity.” A particularly egregious case arose at Ohio Northern University’s law school when Professor Scott Gerber was hauled out of a classroom by armed guards, marched to the dean’s office, and told that he must resign. What had he done to deserve such treatment? The school wouldn’t say, but it is plain as day that Gerber was “culled” (as an official in a similar case unguardedly said) because he opposes the DEI agenda. Academic freedom? Not for those who question the sacred beliefs of leftism.

The case has been languishing in an Ohio court for a couple of years, but as we read in this story in the local paper, the case may be heading towards mediation later this month.

Here’s a savory paragraph:

However, in its lawsuit against Ohio Northern University on Scott Gerber’s behalf, America First Legal has claimed that it has uncovered strong evidence, the aforementioned ‘smoking guns,’ that show that the university is not upholding these nondiscrimination commitments. Furthermore, AFL claims that ONU has considered race in hiring, and that Dean Rose has lied about this while under oath when giving a deposition and stating that the law school never considers race in hiring.

Ohio Northern is a small, private school without deep pockets. Will its leaders finally stop squandering scarce dollars on vindictive litigation?

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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