The Corner

Politics & Policy

The Postelection Stakes for Pro-Lifers: Some Questions

Anti-abortion protesters demonstrate in Washington, D.C., June 26, 2024. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

There are two key legislative issues that may be at stake for pro-lifers in the election. Democrats are committed to passing legislation that forbids any state from protecting unborn life; they are also committed to expanding how many abortions the federal government can finance via Medicaid (these are currently limited to cases of rape, incest, and threats to the mother’s life).

Today’s editorial asks whether pro-lifers can count on Trump to veto such legislation. It suggests that, particularly with respect to the first item, it’s an open question.

I’m also wondering how the political parties will interpret the election results. If Harris wins, will they take it as a vindication of the Democrats’ strategy of being all in for abortion? If Trump wins, will both parties take it as a vindication of his strategy of running as far and fast as he can from the issue? Which would be worse for the pro-life cause in the long run?

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