The Corner

Film & TV

The Marvels Leaves Theaters with a Whimper

Because I have followed the disastrous performance of the Marvel Cinematic Universe flop The Marvels since its debut, I feel obligated to provide a conclusion. The movie has now officially left theaters, with a total North American box office of $84.5 million. That is the lowest in the MCU, as was its opening weekend of $46.1 million. Many MCU movies have exceeded The Marvels’ total by their opening weekends, and the latest movie’s opening weekend number on their opening day.

Its poor performance was part of a rough year for comic-book movies, as I noted last week. The once-unstoppable MCU officially has a genuine flop on its hands. The challenge is in how to prevent another.

Jack Butler is submissions editor at National Review Online, a 2023–2024 Leonine Fellow, and a 2022–2023 Robert Novak Journalism Fellow at the Fund for American Studies.  
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