The Corner


The Left’s Embarrassing Attempts to Preserve DEI in Texas

Officials in the Lone Star State are finally taking action against the scourge of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in public education. As you’d expect, the lefties in the state are furious. They no more want to lose any of their leverage over students than the Soviet Union wanted to lose any of their satellite countries.

Among the people testifying in favor of a bill designed to scrub away the toxic buildup of DEI was Adam Kissel. He writes about his experiences in this College Fix article.

You’re right if you guessed that the activist-leftists were up to their usual antics.

A state senator, Royce West, acted like the typical DEI administrator in trying to pressure Kissel into making some admission he could pounce on. Kissel writes, “Sen. West then went down the line, asking whether each of us support diversity, equity or inclusion. He left no room for definitions or explanations. Yes or no? For or against? Our answers had to be a brief form of the kind of mandatory diversity statement that college hiring committees demand of applicants, and which SB 17 would ban.”

Also, the hearing room had been planted with diversity zealots who weren’t interested in rational discussion of the bill and DEI. Kissel recounts how they stood up and turned their back on him, preventing others in the room from seeing. Not quite as bad as the Stanford law students, but still childish.

The legislation aims to prevent “diversity” officials from promoting activities or policies that treat people differently based on race or other features. It sounds like the sort of idea Martin Luther King, Jr. would have espoused, but the left now can’t stand equal treatment of individuals; they demand equal results by group.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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