The Corner

Politics & Policy

The ‘Health Equity’ Mania Is a Menace

Terribly worrisome are the inroads that leftist ideology has made into fields like medicine where universal standards ought to prevail. We now have to fight off the notion of “health equity” that has infected our medical schools.

So writes Daniel Buck in today’s Martin Center article.

He writes,

A recent essay at Inside Higher Ed bravely declares that all prospective doctors must be trained not to become skilled surgeons or perceptive dermatologists. Rather, their training must direct them towards “health equity.” This shift pushes doctors beyond surgeries or appointments to perform advocacy against systems of oppression and various “-isms.” Many medical schools have already adopted such advocacy-focused instruction.

The “progressives” want future doctors to spend time reading Ibram X. Kendi and the 1619 Project so they will have the right frame of mine for tearing down our systems of oppression.

Buck rightly concludes,

American medical education is one of our country’s preeminent institutions. We lead the world in total academic, medical citations. If this health-equity initiative succeeds, it will not only train individual doctors badly and so rob patients of competent medical care, but it will deprive the world of scientific advancement, as well. Health equity ends in medical mediocrity.


George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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