The Corner


The Great Silence on Kamala Harris

Morning Joe said this morning that the Biden White House believes that President Obama is partly orchestrating the “Get Joe Out” movement, including the placement of George Clooney’s op-ed in the New York Times.

First of all, I would love for media to dig way deeper into that story because it is basically unprecedented for a former president to undermine his former vice president when that person occupies the Oval Office. It would emphasize how unusual this situation is.

But that brings up a question. If Jon Stewart and George Clooney and a number of the braver elected Democrats are going to tell the hard truth about Joe Biden, why aren’t they already telling us nice things about Kamala Harris? She remains the easiest “succession” candidate. And it would be by highlighting her strengths that you could convince others to accept the need for Biden to step down.

And yet nobody is really doing this. The great reverberating media chamber in which this chatter should already be echoing is completely quiet.

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