The Corner


The Fight of Their Lives (Again)

Israeli soldiers in the Gaza war, November 2023 (Israel Defense Forces / Handout via Reuters)

The below statement, I found very powerful:

• My impression is, the person who is quoted below speaks for a great many:

• Michal Herzog is the first lady of Israel — a lawyer who is married to Isaac Herzog, the president of Israel. She wrote a column headed “The Silence From International Bodies Over Hamas’ Mass Rapes Is a Betrayal of All Women.” For that column, go here.

• A person can say a lot with a cartoon:

• Our ambassador to the U.N. is telling it straight — which is gratifying:

• Immediately after being named foreign minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron went to Ukraine. Then he went to Israel. Britain’s solidarity with those two peoples is laudable.

• A retired Irish diplomat made some news. (One article is here.) Niall Holohan pointed out that Ireland has a tiny Jewish community: about 2,500 people, constituting 0.05 percent of the population. This fact, he said, “has given us a freer hand to take what we consider a more principled position.”

Ah. Fewer yakking Jews to be nagged by.

• A news story: “Authorities launch probe after at least 85 Jewish graves damaged in Belgian cemetery.” For the article, go here. You know what they say: “Anti-Zionism, not antisemitism.”

• Speaking of which:

• Horseshoe City:

• About the beautiful Ms. Sarandon, and the presidential candidate Cornel West, Haviv Rettig Gur is correct, I believe:

• Every day, from a thousand different sources, you can hear that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians. I thought Tom Nichols had it just right:

• Let me urge the reading of a column by Rebecca Massel, a student at Columbia University: “Antisemitism Is Infecting My College Campus — And So Many Others.” Terribly important.

• Here is a headline to make a person gulp — it is a quote: “Everyone hates you and wishes you dead.” The subheading reads, “Eight students from the University of Connecticut talk about what it’s like attending university at a time when antisemitism has moved from a whisper to a shout.” That article is here.

Good ol’ UConn? Home of the Huskies? Those perennial basketball champions?

The thing about eternal vigilance is that you have to be eternally vigilant — everywhere, apparently.

• One more thing, for now: “New York City Teacher Who Attended Pro-Israel Rally Hid in Locked Room as Students Rioted.” That ought to chill the blood of every American. Or rather: boil the blood of every American. We must say, somehow, collectively, “Not in our country. Not in this land of E pluribus unum. Just: no.”

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