The Corner


The F-Word

I guess Hillary Clinton got it going in earnest, but this weekend, it was said that Donald Trump was holding a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden, and the word “fascist” has been thrown around liberally, especially because an insult-comic, Tony Hinchcliffe, insulted all of Puerto Rico and used some truly vulgar language to describe Hispanic immigrants generally.

The F-word feels like an emotional tantrum, the realization that in the last week of the polls, Donald Trump has a fair or better-than-fair shot of becoming president again. Democrats are fighting the realization that they have made the same mistake as in 2016, putting up a hectoring, unpopular woman who represents the vengeful and boutique politics of wine-track Democrats, against a celebrity who is trying to widen the appeal of his party and is such a repudiation of its parochial, country-club image.

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