The Corner

Politics & Policy

The Democrats Say They’re for ‘Freedom’ While They Undermine Our Liberty

In a brazen effort at mind manipulation, the Democrats in their Chicago convention repeatedly said that they were working to enhance our freedom. Never did they use the word “liberty” however.

Professor Gary Galles ponders that in his latest AIER article.

He writes:

“Liberty” seems clearer to me about what it is liberty from man-imposed coercion — while “freedom” is more agnostic about what it is freedom from. For instance, I can take your money and call it an increase in my freedom. Perhaps Ludwig von Mises stated what has become my view most clearly when he wrote in Liberty and Property, “Government is essentially the negation of liberty. Liberty is always freedom from the government. It is the restriction of the government’s interference.” And if there is anything the Democrats were not offering, it was less government interference and imposition.

Galles notes that when the Democrats talk about “freedom,” it almost always means that property or liberty will be taken away from other people so that some can enjoy that alleged expansion of their freedom.

Wouldn’t you love to hear what Kamala would say if someone asked her whether her dedication to “freedom” necessarily entails the loss of liberty for most of us?

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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