The Corner

Woke Culture

The Case of Law Professor Amy Wax

UPenn Law School has suspended Professor Amy Wax for a year at reduced pay.

She was suspended for, inter alia, making politically incorrect statements. Most notably, she remarked that in her two decades as a law professor, black students rarely ranked in the top half of their respective classes, a factually supportable observation I myself have made several times in testimony before various House and Senate committees. She’s made some other comments about other minority groups that caused varying degrees of controversy.

I don’t profess to know Wax. She testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights several years ago on these very topics and was a delight. We had lunch, after which I remarked to both a fellow commissioner and my assistant that I hoped my kids were fortunate enough to have professors half as talented and engaging as Amy Wax.

Her CV reads like science fiction: She graduated summa cum laude from Yale with a degree in molecular biophysics and received a master’s in philosophy from Oxford. Next, she went to Harvard Medical School and Harvard Law School — at the same time. Upon graduation, she became a neurologist. Because neurology, apparently, isn’t sufficiently challenging, she also argued a number of cases before the United States Supreme Court.

Perhaps all of the facts support Wax’s suspension. Until they’re adduced in the inevitable lawsuit, however, skepticism is warranted.

Peter Kirsanow is an attorney and a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights.
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