The Corner


The Bra Dilemma

As they await a much-anticipated Iranian attack, Israeli women face a dilemma: to wear a bra to bed or not? Israelis have about 15 to 90 seconds upon hearing sirens to make it to a bomb shelter. Those sirens often don’t come at convenient times. Some families have bomb shelters in their homes or apartments, but others share bomb shelters with neighbors. While trying to gather children or pets and grab valuables, Israeli women don’t have time to put on proper clothes before entering communal bomb shelters.

The Jerusalem Post explains:

The subject has been much discussed on social media, with typical Israeli black humor. A recent report on Channel 12 News about Israeli preparedness for the war referenced a Facebook debate in which one Tel Aviv woman posted a photo of IDF spokesman R.-Adm. Daniel Hagari with the words, “A full briefing by the IDF spokesman and he didn’t say the most important thing: Yes bra or no bra?” Dozens responded, with one expressing the general sentiment, which was overwhelmingly anti-bra: “If I’m going to die, I’ll die the way I was born.”

While it’s heartening to hear women tackle with a sense of humor the question of whether they should wear a bra to bed just in case a rocket comes for them in the middle of the night, it’s one of those considerations that reminds you how lucky we are not to have to game-plan responses to missile attacks — and it shows yet again, in the most mundane of ways, how resilient Israel is.

Haley Strack is a William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism and a recent graduate of Hillsdale College.
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