The Corner


The Address at Gettysburg, from Today’s Leaders

President Joe Biden greets Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington, D.C., September 14, 2024. (Bonnie Cash/Reuters)

Thank you, Secretary Everett. We will now hear from the vice president.

What is this country about? It has been around a long time, in terms of time, but also, not so very long. It is a country, that was attacked by another country, except that country is not a country. So that is why we are here today.

The people who founded this country had an idea. Ideas are important because people should think about things, and the more you think about things, the more you have ideas, which people should have. And one of those ideas is freedom and democracy. And I think that is what the soldiers here were fighting about. Government is about freedom: freedom from gun violence, freedom from high bread prices, freedom from having to pay for your own health care, freedom from having children you don’t want. Those are the kinds of ideas why these people have to save democracy. And you have to save democracy for freedom.

The world is watching us, because we are in the world, and we are the world, and the world is about us and what we can do.

People ask why I am speaking here, but in a sense, we are all speaking here, because a little girl growing up wanted to do this and be this and we all want to be and do and speak. And I always know that when I speak, I say, “For the people.”

Thank you, madam vice president. Now, the president of these United States:

Thank you all for coming, this is a great place, a beautiful place. Pennsylvania is a great state, I love the people of Pennsylvania. Nobody has done more for Pennsylvania than your favorite president. We’ve created so many jobs here, building the rifles and building the uniforms and building the shoes and building the guns that make coffee. We created so many jobs that they had to invade the state to try to take them. It wasn’t like that under that Buchanan, he was a total loser, he is over there on his farm because he was afraid to even run against me in Pennsylvania. I used to call him Sleepy James, now I call him Crooked James. We’ve created so many jobs, so many black jobs, black people don’t even have jobs in the Confederacy, that’s why they should support us.

We have the greatest economy, we’ve secured the Mexican border and made the French pay for it. There was a big battle here in Gettysburg, and now we have this rally, this big, beautiful rally, and people will always remember that we were all here. It’s the greatest honor for the men who died here. General Meade, he’s the best general. The fake news keeps saying McClellan, he was a moron and a coward, he wants to run against me, but he has the worst polls, the polls say they love me. Even in New York, they say, “Mr. President, send us more troops.” They beg me. Burnside, Hooker, they were the worst. I hired Meade because I hire the best people. I like generals who win. General Lee, he tried to make his men run up the hill, you’re supposed to run down the hill, you know he’s only doing this because he couldn’t get promoted in our army. The fake news says I tried to hire him, total lie. He couldn’t do the job so he invades Pennsylvania. But I tell you, I’m going to win it again. I love you Pennsylvania!

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