The Corner


The Academic Left Can Be Very Nasty

We hear the academic left chatter incessantly about its commitment to diversity and inclusion, but if you happen to disagree with any aspect of the “progressive” agenda, forget about it. You’re sure to be treated like a pariah.

One veteran professor who has experienced the intolerance of leftists in power is University of Tulsa’s Jacob Howland. He opposes the new president’s “True Commitment” plan that guts the university’s liberal arts curriculum and brings in more of the typical “diversity” stuff. For having opposed those changes, he now has a target on his back and writes about his unhappy experiences in today’s Martin Center article. 

He has been harassed by the administration over claimed “ethics violations” and student journalists have been intimidated for writing critically about the events at their school.

“What is so disturbing about all of this,” Howland writes, “is the way supposedly liberal academics can turn into intimidating bullies once they’ve adopted transformational plans like True Commitment. No commitment should be higher than to decency and respect.”

When “progressives” gain power, when is it ever any different?

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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