The Corner

National Review

Thank You for Helping Us Get Rich Lowry Back on the Road

National Review Editor in Chief Rich Lowry on Real Time with Bill Maher, September 6, 2024. (Real Time with Bill Maher/YouTube)

In mid September, when groups and organizations started canceling NR editor in chief Rich Lowry’s upcoming appearances and caving to pressure from the braying mob to “deplatform” him, there wasn’t any thought around here that Rich would surrender. There wasn’t any thought that National Review or our readers and supporters would allow partisan hacks and online freaks to successfully slander and malign Rich into being silent.

That’s especially the case because they were attacking Rich over something that he didn’t even say!

NR, like free-thinking people everywhere, firmly believes in free debate and the contest of ideas. Dishonest or angry people may try to shout you down and shut you up, and cowardly organizations may curl up in a ball and fold to bullies, but we know that lies and slander can be combated with the truth and courage.

That’s why when Indiana State University and Wisconsin’s Badger Institute folded in the face of controversy and backed out of previously scheduled events at which Rich was set to appear, we decided to fight back by putting Rich on the road for a speaking tour so that he’d get the chance to offer his principled conservative views in the public square.

“Next time cancel me for something I actually said,” Rich wrote as we formulated a plan to send him back to Indiana, Wisconsin, and every other place that still cares about free speech and open inquiry.

Of course, organizing a speaking tour takes money and resources, and I can’t thank readers like you enough for your generosity in financially backing the effort. Last week, we raised $70,000 toward the goal of putting Rich on the road for the “Rich Lowry Cancellation Tour.”

I — along with the writers, editors, and staff of National Review — am profoundly grateful for your support. Thank you.

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