The Corner


Ten Things That Caught My Eye Today (September 5, 2018)

Mother Teresa in 1986 (Jacques Boissinot/Reuters)

1. I guess this one would qualify as “caught my ear.”

Mother Teresa died 21 years ago today. I enjoyed that during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings today, the Supreme Court nominee talked about the richness of the poor, spending time with homeless men and women. See Christ in them, Mother Teresa always said. I enjoyed that he made that little reflecting on what is now her feast day.

(Some conversation about her with Fr. Brian Kolodiejchuk, MC, one of the priests of the Missionaries of Charity Fathers she founded and the postulator of her cause of canonization and director of the Mother Teresa Center here and here and here — from 2016.)

2. On the Daily Signal: A Faith-Based Adoption Agency Helped Me in Crisis. Now, These Agencies Are Under Attack

3. Via the Becket Fund: Former foster children, states, Congressional coalition and religious groups support foster families’ appeal

4. In the Washington PostBeing a foster parent is hard, but being a foster child is much harder

5. In the Orlando Sentinel: From foster child to beacon of hope to others lost in system of despair

6. Egyptian Coptics hospitalized after Muslim mob attacks

7. Almost 33,000 Catholic women have signed that letter to Pope Francis

(There’s a letter from men now, too.)

8. Janet Smith and Deborah Savage (two Catholic seminary professors): No, The Catholic Church’s Teaching Is Not To Blame For Its Sex Scandal

9. Fr. Roger Landry:

Regaining trust will be the work of years. It will be achieved not by policies, procedures and protocols, but by men who prove themselves to be holy and trustworthy. The building blocks for rebuilding trust must be laid now through a transparent, candid, virtuous housecleaning, in which people can’t help but see that bishops and priests are following Christ rather than lawyers and are acting as men of God and outraged spiritual fathers rather than as public-relations men with collars.

10. Robert Frost: A Lover’s Quarrel with the World, a 1963

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