The Corner


Ten Things That Caught My Eye Today (March 10, 2020)

1. “the enemy we find before us is not so much coronavirus as it is fear

2. Priest flies over Lebanon to ‘bless and protect’ crisis-hit country from outbreak

3. Some powerful “Into the Breach” videos for men from the Knights of Columbus (though I think women could benefit almost just as much) — covers a broad range of fundamentals. Take a look here.

4. A birth mother and adoptive mother talk about their open adoption experience together

5. States, scholars, members of Congress and diverse religious groups defend Little Sisters of the Poor at High Court

6. From the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation: Organ Procurement and Extrajudicial Execution in China: A Review of the Evidence

7. Canceling Public Masses in Rome is Not the Answer to Coronavirus

8. Coronavirus is mysteriously sparing kids and killing the elderly. Understanding why may help defeat the virus.

9. Over 50,000 People Have Recovered From Coronavirus Around the World, According to Johns Hopkins

10. Twelve people on how to do Lent. I particularly like this:

I prefer not to complicate Lent. It’s good to give up sweets and desserts and such things, but it is far more important to fast and abstain from sin. During Lent, it can be helpful to ask, “Where does sin have a grasp on me?” “What do I need to repent of?” “Where is the Lord calling me to conversion at this time?”

Answers to these questions can be a guide for our Lenten journey.

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