The Corner


Ten Things that Caught My Eye Today (July 9, 2018)

1. Crux: Pope condemns ‘complicit silence’ in suffering of Middle East Christians

2. Watch this

and then read this

3. Sound advice from Amy Barrett

4. Join our chat on July 18 with Mona Charen about her new book. In person or by livestream. Details here.

5. 7 Reasons It Is Deeply Misleading To Claim Americans Support Roe v. Wade

6. A lovely column about a lovely documentary about a lovely man:

7. College Board CEO: How Religious Education Helps Us Rethink the College Admissions Race

Or watch here:

8. Baylor history professor Philip Jenkins on his latest book project.


10. If you are on Twitter, you simply must follow Terry Teachout or you are missing out on some beauty and mental-health breaks such as are possible on Twitter:


On helping women where they need it most.

A few thoughts on why Amy Barrett has the right idea about how she goes about her business.

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