The Corner


Ten Things That Caught My Eye (February 24, 2020)

1. How can I reconcile the good and evil of Jean Vanier?

2. Charlie Camosy on Tucker Carlson’s show talking about assisted suicide.



4. Nigerian Catholics to Don Black Clothing on Ash Wednesday to Protest Violence

5. This is a useful website on foster-care and adoption and religious freedom.

6. In Defense of ‘Paternalism’: Why Choice Schools Need to Get Better at Grappling With the Family Lives of Their Toughest-Case Students

7.  Christianity, Pluralism, and Public Life in the United States: Insights from Christian Leaders

8. Fr. Paul Scalia: Jonah’s Flight and Ours

9. My friends at the Thomistic Institute are jazzed that they have 25,000 subscribers and counting to their Aquinas 101 initiative. (Fr. Gregory Pine explains here.) Something good to fill your mind with during Lent.

1o. What Dorothy Day Wants You to Know about Fasting

For your Lent schedule, if you are in the New York area: an evening with Fr. Donald Haggerty (a favorite of many of the young Catholics who go to daily Mass at Saint Patrick’s cathedral) and yours truly. There will be a book-signing after with his new Contemplative Enigmas: Insights and Aid on the Path to Deeper Prayer and my A Year with the Mystics: Visionary Wisdom for Daily Living.



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