The Corner

Ten Marines Killed, 11 Wounded

10 Marines were killed today, another 11 wounded by an IED while on a foot patrol near Fallujah.

I must tell you such news literally, physically makes me sick, brokenhearted, etc., as it I know does all of us. But their lives – and those of others lost – have not been lost for nothing.

There are many positive things happening in Iraq, some of which I will be reporting on NRO next week. And to put some of it in perspective, a U.S. general on the ground near Baghdad told me in a sat-phone conversation a few days ago, “The [Iraqi] people are getting fed up with the attacks, not just on their own people, but on us.”

And they’re doing something about it, as you will see.

A former U.S. Marine infantry leader, W. Thomas Smith Jr. writes about military issues. He has covered war in the Balkans, on the West Bank, in Iraq, and in Lebanon. ...
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