The Corner

Temper Tantrum?

Not much doubt about what Republican voters were saying yesterday. Something like WE HATE ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICANS! Whether, as the rising E-R whine has it, this is a gift to the Democrats, remains to be seen.

For once I was in harmony with the Zeitgeist. I voted for Carl Paladino in the NY gubernatorial GOP primary. What’s not to like? Carl’s opponent — I’ve forgotten his name already — was the last establishment Republican I ever sent money to ($100, in the 2000 election) in response to a fundraiser mailing. He’ll be the last for a long time — until establishment Republicans convince me their party stands for something other than government bloat, runaway spending, open borders, ethnic pandering, educational romanticism, and futile half-hearted wars.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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