The Corner

Ted Cruz Slams Obama Plan to Install Attorney General with Voted-Out Senators

Senator Ted Cruz blasted President Obama’s recent decision to install a new attorney general during the lame-duck Senate session between next month’s election and the swearing-in of the new chamber in January.

“Under no circumstances should a partisan attorney general be confirmed during a lame-duck session,” the Texas Republican said Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union. “We should not be confirming an attorney general during a lame-duck session with a bunch of senators who have just been voted out of office. The confirmation should occur in January or February, when we have the new Senate where every senator will be accountable to the voters. I don’t think we should be meet for a lame duck at all, because lame ducks are really where Washington imposes its agenda instead of listening to the American people.”

Cruz, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, expressed optimism that the Republican party may gain a majority in the elections. “Nothing’s certain in politics,” Cruz said, “but I think it’s far more likely than not that we will retake the Senate and retire [majority leader] Harry Reid.”

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