The Corner

Tea Party Spending $25k to Attract Boehner Primary Challenger

The Tea Party Leadership Fund has begun a search for a primary challenger to House Speaker John Boehner, Breitbart reports.

The organization plans to fund $25,000 in campaign ads against Boehner and has started a petition drive with calls to “show John Boehner, the liberal media, and every other congressional sell out that the Tea Party is serious about returning America to greatness.” They hope to collect 1 million signatures by January 31.

Rusty Humphries, spokesman for the Tea Party Leadership Fund, released a statement to Breitbart saying, “John Boehner has declared war on conservatives demanding lower taxes and limited government. Today we declare war on him. We intend to send a message to his fellow ‘Republicans In Name Only’ that such ideologically bankrupt leadership must come to an end.”

The filing deadline for a candidate to enter the race is 4 p.m. on February 5 and the primary is on May 6.

Boehner, who faced no Democratic opponent in 2012, has three primary challengers already: Businessman Eric Gurr,  truck driver Matthew Trisler, and teacher J. D. Winteregg.

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