The Corner

Talking with Paulson

The straight-shooting, sound-thinking, optimistic Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson offered his views on a variety of topics on Kudlow & Company last night. What a pleasure it was to interview a civilized man with a keen intellect who does his own thinking.

It’s a pity that Paulson has been dealt such a difficult hand. The Treasury Man is up against a highly partisan Democratic Congress that is attempting to block his good ideas on broad-based reform of taxes, trade, and entitlements.

Incidentally, the former Goldman Sachs CEO would not have argued that the subprime mortgage problem is contained if he didn’t really believe it. And his comments about the greatest global economy in our lifetime echo my own thinking.

Here’s a look at Paulson’s thoughts on last night’s show . . .

Larry Kudlow is the author of JFK and the Reagan Revolution: A Secret History of American Prosperity, written with Brian Domitrovic.
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