The Corner

Take the March for Life Dobbs Year Challenge: What Are You Doing for a Culture of Life in the Part of the World Where You Live?

Pro-life activists hold a vigil in front of Planned Parenthood on the eve of the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., January 20, 2022. (Leah Millis/Reuters)

I’m about to head to Mass for N.Y. pilgrims before the March for Life. The annual March is both a solemn occasion and a celebration of life. It is a protest of the Roe v. Wade decision, but it is also a sign of hope, as so many young people gather who reject the premise that we need abortion. “We are the Post-Roe Generation,” some of the signs today will read. Thanks to Mississippi and the Dobbs case before the Supreme Court, they just might be! That means a whole lot more work, a new iteration of the pro-life movement, in many a state of the union. New Jersey just “codified” Roe v. Wade, wanting to be in competition with New York and California for who will have the most abortions.

Wherever you are today, would you join those of us in frigid Washington, D.C., for the March for Life and take up a challenge? What more can you do to help make a culture of life real in your part of the country? Do you support a crisis pregnancy center or a maternity home? Do you spend time volunteering? Do the young girls and boys in your life know that you would walk with them if they found themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy? Or would they assume you would be all judgment? It’s a culture of life and a civilization of love that the pro-life movement is about. Do we radiate that in our daily life? In our conversations about abortion?

It is not enough to oppose Roe and want Planned Parenthood defunded. What are we doing to make sure our communities and our culture know the alternatives to abortion? We recently saw a demonic backlash to the idea that adoption could ever be an alternative to abortion. Some of the most hardened advocates of legal and increased abortion are actually fighting for the right to a dead baby. What are we doing to combat that? Each and every one of us? That’s the examination of conscience we need to undergo as we mark the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and pray that it not have a 50th.

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