The Corner

The Swap

“How do you feel about your brother’s killer being released?” Jerusalem Post editorial-page editor Saul Singer has a piece in the Wall Street Journal today (sub. Only) about the Israel-Hezbollah prisoner exchange happening today. Saul’s brother, Alex Singer, an American and a soldier in the Israeli army, was killed on his 25th birthday by Anwar Yassin, who is being released today. “it is difficult to escape the seeming imbalance of this prisoner deal, in which Alex’s killer is among 35 prisoners from Arab states, one German caught trying to carry out a terrorist attack for Hizbullah, and 400 Palestinian prisoners–in exchange for one man, Elkhanan Tenenbaum, and the bodies of three Israeli soldiers.” But, Saul concludes, “What is known is that, despite the hero’s welcome Yassin will receive, the value placed by this deal on his freedom is less than 1/400th of that of one Israeli. There is perhaps no greater measure of the value Israelis attach to life than their willingness to risk their lives for another. Indeed, that is how my brother lived — and how he died.”

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