The Corner

Subject: Larry Craig


I am a liberal that reads the Corner several times daily.  I have sent e-mails to Mr. York and Ms. Lopez in the past praising a particular post.  I am a political junkie/nut, that appreciates the ideas and discourse from the other side of the aisle  I do not live in an echo chamber mindlessly parroting the political objectives and doctrines for my party. That said, I find the whole Larry Craig episode distasteful and unseemly. 

The lefty blogs are screeching hypocrisy and gleefully pounding out posts.  The righty blogs are distancing themselves, and making jokes.  Am I the only one that feels badly for this man and his family?  A pox on both their houses, I say.   Sex sells, as they say.  However, this piling on Larry Craig is over the top, and unnecessary.  What a shameful episode in the blogosphere.

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