The Corner

Stuck on Swiftboats, Dems Prepare for a Tough November

In my inbox, from Paul Begala:

Kathryn –

An atomic bomb exploding.

That’s one of the visuals now being used in an attack ad against Democrats who support health care reform. I’m surprised it took them this long to play the mushroom cloud card.

But it gets even scarier. The fear-mongering thugs running this ad against pro-health care Democrats are from the very same special interest group which got the Supreme Court to allow corporations to spend unlimited special interest cash in elections. Coincidence?

One thing’s clear: there has never been a more important time to stand up to right-wing special interests spending whatever they want on swift-boat style ads like this to try and kill health insurance reform. We are in the final stretch and opponents of reform will throw everything they have in to stopping us.

Stand up to right-wing special interests. Contribute $5, $10 or more to House Democrats’ Million Dollar Match before the FEC’s critical March 31st deadline and a group of Democrats will match your contribution dollar-for-dollar.

It’s really simple. Republicans are hoping to use the Supreme Court’s radical decision to allow unlimited special interest cash to target any Democrat who dares to cross them by voting for health insurance reform.

And the closer the House gets to taking the final vote, the more these special interests spend and the nastier their attacks get.

With no limit now on these kinds of special interest attack ads, if grassroots Democrats don’t fight back, nobody will.

Stand up to right-wing special interests. Contribute $5, $10 or more to House Democrats’ Million Dollar Match before the FEC’s critical March 31st deadline and a group of Democrats will match your contribution dollar-for-dollar.

Let’s use this March 31st FEC deadline to show the world that our democracy has not yet been bought by the tidal wave of Republican special interest money.

Thank you,

Paul Begala

P.S. We’re too close to winning the fight for health insurance reform to surrender to the special interests who are now free to spend whatever they want. Contribute before March 31st and your contribution will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

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