The Corner

Still Missing The Point

From a reader:

subject: your McCain argument is flat wrong

Jonah –

You state that our torturing of terrorists is different from Singapore’s torturing of a dissident. Your premise is completely flawed. We’re not just torturing terrorists – in fact, by all accounts the majority of people who have died in our custody of abuse (numbering over 100) were not terrorists. They were terrorist SUSPECTS, possible terrorists. We know for a fact that many, many victims were not terrorists.

You’re begging the question, assuming the answer, which is intellectually fraudulent. I suspect you know this.

I’m a contractor supporting the Air Force. I can tell you that torture is not something my clients want to be associated with. It is shameful and morally repugnant. It erases critical distinctions between us (and, yes, our civilization) and our enemies. I find it appalling beyond description to see what a bunch of sniveling cowards most of the conservative movement has become on this issue. You are wrapped in shame, dragging our country and its reputation through the mud, and you don’t even know it.

Please don’t use my name if you happen to post any of this.

He then follows up with this bit of self-righteous twaddle:

And please don’t misinterpret my point to be that suspected terrorist should be tried. That is not my argument – this is a war, not (just) a criminal investigation. But the point stands – in fact, is strengthened by this fact.

Every time I engage with torture advocates like you, I feel nauseated and feel the need to take a hot shower. I don’t know how you live with yourselves. You’re debasing the entire country.

Again: I’m not begging anything. Can we not agree that there are some people about whom we know: A) they are terrorists B) they have useful information which might only be obtained by methods that are rough, but fall short of torture? Is it so absurd to think that maybe we can craft a law that takes this reality into account?

I’m not advocating hot pokers and the like. I’m not even outright opposing the McCain amendment. I’m just trying to deal with this issue in a calm way minus all the moral preening on display in emails like this one. Perhaps his shower will wash-off some of the self-righteousness.

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