The Corner

Spitzer Misses Deadline to File Ethics Report

Irony is the name of the game for disgraced former New York governor Eliot Spitzer. Brought down five years ago by a prostitution scandal, the Democrat is campaigning for New York City comptroller against his old madam and last Thursday missed a filing deadline with the city’s Conflicts of Interest Board.

As reported by the Wall Street Journal, Spitzer failed to file, of all things, an ethics report. The failure to file can carry a fine between $250 to $10,000, but there’s a week-long grace period before any such penalties are assessed.

An attorney representing Spitzer’s campaign, Martin Connor, ascribed the failure to file to the candidate’s need to gather petitions with signatures that would allow him to appear on the Democratic ballot. 

Spitzer currently leads Scott Stringer, Manhattan borough president, 48 percent to 33 percent among registered Democrats in a Quinnipiac poll released yesterday. 

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