The Corner

Speaking of Predictions

In that Rod profile, Hank Stuever notices that I saw the Style section knocking on Rod’s door a long time ago. He writes:

Since “Crunchy Cons” was published earlier this year (it has gone back for two additional printings, according to a publicist at Crown publishers), Dreher has also taken a drubbing from his punditry cohort, including National Review’s Jonah Goldberg, who views “Crunchy Con” as heretical to the “big tent” ideals of the one true Republican faith. Goldberg bites at “Crunchy Con” with occasional essays and blog entries of his own.

“To Rod’s credit, he doesn’t claim that ‘mainstream conservatives’ are racists; but he does claim that they are uptight, blue-blazered, two-dimensional men motivated by greed. They are Godless materialists, unthinking dupes of Madison Avenue, with no connection to spirituality or religion unless, that is, you think being an idolatrous votary of the free market counts as being religious,” Goldberg wrote in March.

“Crunchy conservatism strikes me now — as it did back when I first heard about it — as a journalistic invention, a confabulation fit for some snarking liberal reporter at the Washington Post ‘Style’ section.”

Ding-dong, we’re here, a smidge late.

Forgot to bring wine, and we are perfectly okay with the idea that most people don’t give the tiniest, insignificant poops about what Jonah Goldberg thinks.

Me: Cute. We can leave it up to others to figure out whether he’s admitting that he’s a snarking liberal reporter.

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