The Corner

More on South Carolina

PPP has one of the new polls over the last few days in South Carolina. It is always interesting because it has detailed break-downs. One number that jumps out is that Ted Cruz now has a net unfavorable rating in the state, 42–48, which is astounding and suggests that the pounding he has taken from Trump (with Rubio joining in) has taken a toll. Also very notable: Trump is doing better than Cruz among evangelicals — needless to say, not a good sign. 

Trump himself isn’t particularly well-liked, his favorable-unfavorable rating is just 50–43, but pretty much anyone who likes him will vote for him. 

Here is how the ideological support for the candidates falls:

As you can see, Kasich is weighted way over to the left of the party, and Cruz is weighted to the right. Trump is more or less down the middle (as is Rubio, who, with a 58-32 favorable/unfavorable rating, presumably has the potential to grow in South Carolina).

It is also interesting to see how unpopular Trump is with supporters of the other candidates: 

In a three-person race with Cruz and Rubio in South Carolina, Trump leads 40 to 28 for Rubio and 22 for Cruz. In a two person race, he leads Bush by 50-40, Cruz by 48-38, and Rubio 46-45. 

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