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ThanksUSA Announces Nationwide Treasure Hunt to Aid Military Families

Organization Designed by Kids will Fund Scholarships for Children and Spouses of Active Duty Military Personnel

WASHINGTON, D.C. – ThanksUSA, a new non-partisan, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization today formally announces the launch of their scholarship program, which provides educational aid to family members of active duty military personnel. ThanksUSA also announces the first-ever nationwide American history treasure hunt to raise awareness and funds for the scholarship campaign. Information and applications for both the scholarships and the treasure hunt can be found at

The “brain blast” of two Virginia elementary school children, Rachel and Kelsi, ages 10 and 8, ThanksUSA is dedicated to providing college, technical and vocational scholarships for the spouses and children of active duty military personnel. The scholarships are funded by federal, corporate and individual contributions. Additional donations for the scholarship fund are expected to come from the nationwide treasure hunt, in which players of all ages will navigate their way through 12 challenging puzzles, each based on a U.S. state with clues rooted in American history.

“We wanted to say thank you to our troops and wanted to show that we care about them,” said Kelsi, who along with her sister Rachel, is the primary architect behind the treasure hunt. “Maybe they [scholarship recipients] will make a difference in science or politics, or maybe in their community. They might even choose to serve our country like their mom or dad,” added Rachel, the treasure hunt’s co-founder. “ThanksUSA will help military families make the world a better place and take part in an historic treasure hunt. It will let all Americans show their appreciation for the heroes who keep us all safe and free.”

The girls inspired their parents to think about how they could help and the family worked together over the past year, along with a broad array of neighborhood volunteers and others, to bring the idea to fruition. Individuals, organizations and corporations are encouraged to make a direct donation to the ThanksUSA scholarship fund at

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