The Corner

Sojourners v. Olasky

Here’s Bill Voegeli’s summation of a longer post:

So, just to recap:

1. Marvin Olasky says that Jim Wallis and Sojourners receive money from George Soros.

2. Jim Wallis says that Sojourners does not receive money from George Soros and that Marvin Olasky lies for a living.

3. Sojourners and Jim Wallis subsequently say that they do receive money from George Soros, though not much, though they don’t say how not much.

4. Jim Wallis does not apologize for saying something that was untrue – the three grants from Soros were “so small that I hadn’t remembered them” – and doesn’t retract or apologize for the assertion that Olasky lies for a living.

5. The only blame Wallis is willing to assign for his own categorical statements that turned out to be categorically wrong is that it was all Olasky’s fault, since Wallis merely replied in the spirit of the accusation against Sojourners.

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