The Corner

Snarky Intellectuals

In response to my piece on the Ground Zero Mosque, “The Taboo of the Intellectuals,” I’ve received several emails along these lines:

Curious as to just what part of that pesky First Amendment you and your ilk cannot comprehend?

FYI, my response: 

Curious to know how you think the First Amendment applies here.The First Amendment prevents the government from establishing a religion. Who do you imagine is doing that?The First Amendment also prevents the government from restricting freedom of speech  (including mine). Who do you imagine is doing that?

You should read the First Amendment – it’s only one sentence – 45 words.  If you do, you will see that I have every right to both question and criticize this project and those driving it, whatever their religion or status within that religion (i.e. imams, too, can be criticized). And by exercising my freedom of speech I am in no way infringing on anyone else’s First Amendment rights.

 Thanks – from me and my “ilk.”Cliff

Clifford D. MayClifford D. May is an American journalist and editor. He is the president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a conservative policy institute created shortly after the 9/11 attacks, ...
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