The Corner

Smell The Arnie?

Peter, ignore those Arnie-smelling e-mailers. In the name of those million-plus California taxpayers who signed the recall petitions, Arnold should not just be escorted along the red carpet to power without uttering a single specific syllable about the budget mess.

Laura Ingraham was interviewed on Good Morning America yesterday, where she preached the gospel of pragmatism: Arnold can take Gray out, so conservatives should all line up with Arnold. But conservatives have to think beyond October to everything Arnold could do wrong as Gov. Pump You Up.

If he fails to take a strong approach to the budget situation and it worsens, it not only makes a “Republican” responsible, it can further sink the national economic stats and make the “Bush economy” look weaker. (By the same token, the Davis recall could end up improving the state economy and making the national economy look rosier.)

And what about the “Nixon to China” coverage Arnold would get if he signed the gay lobby’s favorite bills into law? It would no doubt be touted by the press as another example of how California is suddenly again the sensible bellwether for the country.

And Arnold could be one stupid gaffe away from a souffle-collapsing approval rating. If so, wouldn’t it be better to find out before the election, rather than after?

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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