The Corner

Slippery Slope?

Just a coincidence that this happened in Massachusetts?

Sherborn teen charged with bestiality

(And no I’m not equating men and dogs.)

UPDATE: Last month, in ‘Bama, brought to light by PETA .


An e-mail:

As a longtime, conservative gay reader I’ve learned to overlook a lot of, frankly, offensive commentary on the Corner. This post of yours, however, really requires a response. I mean, do you think this kind of thing is helpful to your broader agenda? Needlessly, thoughtlessly and callously, alienating potential allies is hardly a smart strategy. And posting patently meanspirited remarks isn’t a great idea, either. Now, I don’t have the hair-trigger “I’m OFFENDED!!!” reflex so many do these days, but in this instance I would respectfully ask you for a subsequent post acknowledging the jaw-droppingly insensitive nature of your original post.

I regret the post because it was hit and run and such things do lend themselves to offense and ill will on such personal issues. I’m sorry. It was very bad judgment.

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