The Corner

Slate‘s List of Gun-Violence Victims Included Murder Suspects and Boston Bomber

As Jim Geraghty noted on The Campaign Spot, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, of which New York mayor Michael Bloomberg is a member, held a demonstration on Tuesday in Concord, New Hampshire, as part of the “No More Names” 25-state bus tour. The reading of over 6,000 names of gun-violence victims who have died since the school shootings in Newtown, Conn., took several hours. Reportedly, at least ten murder suspects who were killed by police were named in the list of victims. Among the murder suspects acknowledged in the list, which was compiled by Slate, was Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon–bomber killed in a shootout with police.

Slate editor Dan Kois has stated that the list “doesn’t differentiate between good guys and bad guys,” so even those killed after committing acts of violence themselves were included.

Mayors Against Illegal Guns issued an apology on Tuesday for reading Tsarnaev’s name and a spokeswoman for the group sent a statement to BuzzFeed on Thursday apologizing for publically listing “people who were absolutely not victims” among the 6,210 people who have been fatally shot since Newtown.

Editor’s Note: This post has been amended since its initial posting.

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