The Corner

Sister Crist

From The Buzz:

Charlie Crist hires a campaign manager. It’s his big sister, Margaret Crist Wood. She officially is called interim campaign manager, the governor said, but only to give her an opportunity to step down if she doesn’t like it.

Doesn’t he need a seasoned pro? “No,” Crist said Thursday. “You know what you need? I’ve learned this in the last month: Somebody who’s loyal – really – honest, that cares about you, and is smart and tough. My older sister Margaret has always been that.”

He’s been talking to some veteran operatives as well lately and he said some longtime friends are also helping with the campaign. They will remain anonymous “because I’m trying to protect them. A lot of people in our administration and people who were helpful with the campaign get this refrain in Tallahassee – if you stay with him you’ll never work in this town again. Can you imagine that? Talk about unconscionable?”

Rep. Joe Sestak (D., Pa.), the Specter foe, also employs siblings on his campaign staff:

U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak paid his brother and sister more than $100,000 combined from his campaign account last year, according to Federal Election Commission reports.

Elizabeth Sestak, the finance director, earned more than $38,000 during the course of the year, while Richard Sestak, the campaign manager, took in more than $66,000.

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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