The Corner

Sinwar’s Elimination Is No Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration

President Joe Biden listens to Vice President Kamala Harris as they deliver remarks on gun violence in America in Washington, D.C., September 26, 2024. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

To end the war, Israel must be allowed to win it.

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If the Gaza phase of Iran’s annihilationist war against Israel is winding down with the death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, and that’s a big if, it is no thanks to the Biden-Harris administration.

Hamas has been a designated terrorist organization under U.S. law since the designation process began in 1997. It killed 33 Americans on October 7 — indeed, Hamas is still holding American hostages even as the Biden-Harris administration threatens to cut off military support to Israel, our ally and the only country in the world fighting to free the hostages, including the American ones.

Rather than join Israel in fighting our mutual enemies, the Biden-Harris administration has provided material support for Hamas.

Under federal law, material support to a designated terrorist organization is a felony punishable by up to 20 years’ imprisonment, and up to life-imprisonment if — as is the case with Hamas — people are killed as a result of the material support. It is a commonplace for Justice Department material-support prosecutions to be triggered by schemes in which the accused provides resources to third-party nominees who, the accused has reason to know, will divert those resources to the designated terrorist organization.

Remember that when the Biden-Harris administration tells you it is merely providing aid to UNRWA and other U.N. components for transfer to the suffering Palestinians (i.e., for the people who put Hamas in power and who overwhelmingly support the jihadist goals of exterminating Jews and conquering Israel). These U.N. components are notorious for diverting Western aid to Hamas, which uses it to kill Israelis, Americans, Jews of all nationalities, and Palestinians — both those suspected of cooperating with Israel and those whose deaths are useful to the jihad’s propaganda purposes and to the inducement of more Western aid.

Understand, if you donated to a “charity” that you knew to be a front diverting money and other assets to, say, ISIS, the Biden-Harris Justice Department would indict you for providing material support to a terrorist organization. They would not want to hear it when you explained you were only supporting the charity’s humanitarian work; all that would matter is that you knew a portion of your contributions was going to terrorists.

So why is the Biden-Harris administration aiding and abetting Hamas in a manner that, if you did something similar in connection with ISIS, would result in your being charged with a crime? Because it is courting Hamas-supporting sharia supremacists in Michigan, in hopes that enough of them will turn out to put the state’s 15 electoral votes in Kamala Harris’s win column.

I mention this because, exhibiting the judgment that has made him wrong on every foreign-policy issue in his long, blundering career, President Biden has proclaimed that Sinwar’s death is the key to achieving a cease-fire that will return the hostages. (See our Brittany Bernstein’s report.)

Notwithstanding Biden’s sunshine proclamation that “we got [Sinwar]” (emphasis added), our editorial has it right: The Hamas leader was eliminated by Israel’s persistence despite being hounded by the Biden-Harris administration not to invade Rafah (where Sinwar was holed up and finally killed). It happened despite the Biden-Harris administration’s slow-walking of congressionally authorized military aid to Israel, and despite the administration’s more recent threat to cut off aid, in the context of smearing Israel as a possible international-law violator.

The administration cannot be trusted to match its policy to reality or to prioritize American interests over electoral politics. Hamas, the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, is an inevitable result of the dominance of sharia-supremacism in Palestinian territories. The ideology is inculcated in Palestinians from birth. Hamas is not something that happened to the Palestinians; it is an organic Palestinian phenomenon. It must be destroyed as a fighting force. If it is not, it will rebuild on its remnants. Even if it is destroyed, a new Hamas will arise to take its place unless and until Palestinians become convinced to turn their backs on the hope that Israel can be conquered.

Attempts by the American administration and its fellow progressives in European chancelleries to stop Israel from conclusively defeating the jihadists only ensure that the war will continue and many more hostages will be taken.

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