The Corner

“Similar Situations”

In the summer of 2002, President Bush underwent a colonoscopy and Dick Cheney was acting president during the procedure and recovery. On CNN just a moment ago, Dr. Sanjay Gupta explained how Fidel Castro’s current deal was “similar” to Bush’s.

Perhaps Dr. Gupta is the same guy who sent me this e-mail in response to a Corner post this morning:

You: “I’m amazed how at-face-value some MSM types are taking the “news” from the Cuban government. Because tyrannies always tell the truth, I’m sure we can be confident everything they are telling us right now is the absolute truth…”

Me:  And how is this different from the Bush administration?  Do they always tell the truth?  Can we be confident of everything they are telling us?

Signing statements are as bad as anything Fidel Castro’s done, it’s true.  

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